Monday, January 30, 2017

Another Week

This week we had a Missionary Broadcast and it was great! I learned a lot. They changed up our schedule and key indicators. They made our schedule really flexible, so pretty much we can choose when we study, and we only get a half hour for lunch now when normally it’s and hour. We only have 4 Key Indicators now, that's kinda nice. My comp is always stressing about numbers for some reason so hopefully this will be good.

Thursday was a weird day. We were doing every thing like we normally do, but we didn't have any lessons and every house we knocked on was empty. No one was home!  Friday we were knocking and an old lady came out and said "Oh hello! Come in"  We thought it was weird but we quickly realized that she didn't know who we were! She thought we were her twin grand kids. When we told her we were there missionaries she thought we were messing with her. Me and my comp were freaking out! But eventually she believed us I guess haha. We talked to her for awhile and she said she is 96! And she was getting around just fine! haha Then we taught Terry and Ethan again and they are doing great!

Saturday we went to Chad’s house. The guy with one leg and lives in a nasty house. Anyways. My comp has been meeting with him every week since August! I'm getting tired of him because he doesn't keep any commitments and drinks coffee and tea when we’re there. He says he is trying so hard to stop. But on Saturday we told him we can’t keep meeting with him if he won’t keep his commitments. He sometimes gets offended when we talk like that and says he feels cornered. It's weird because we are his only friends so he doesn't want to lose us. Haha

Saturday night we were knocking and a guy opened the door and he looked familiar. Then we remembered him from another area. He said he was at his Grandma’s last time and at his sister's today. Last time he said his grandma would be interested, so we were gonna come back. But this time he said his grandma had recently died. So we tried to comfort him and tell him he would see her again. He let us in and we taught him the Restoration, the spirit was crazy strong, and he started to cry. He told us he knew his grandma had sent us. Elder Roskelley started to cry too. But I didn't because I'm a man! haha jk My eyes were a little wet. Then he said the prayer for us and started crying again! We invited him to church and he said he might be able to make it, but he would have to walk because he doesn't own a car. It was an awesome experience!

On Sunday we were driving to Church and we saw a guy walking up the street and as we passed we saw that it was Shawn!! The guy who's grandma just died. It was 30 degrees and he was walking! We wanted to pick him up but we aren't allowed to! So we were pumped. Then we got to church and he never showed up! We were so bummed, we figured he went to the wrong church because there are a lot of other churches on the way. We will get him there next week!

Last night an older couple probably in there 60's let us in and gave us dinner and everything! They are catholic and his sister is mormon in Indiana and her son served a mission! So they took some pictures and sent them to them. They said we’re always welcome and said to give them a call if we ever need dinner! That was awesome!

Well that's about it!  Sorry it's so long again haha.
Have a great week!
Love, Elder Anderson

I heard last weeks pics didn't get out so here they are:

Squad pic
The Equinox looking good
pic for our movie
another pic for our movie, lol

Monday, January 23, 2017

Toledo Lane

Hello Everyone!
We had an awesome week this week! On Monday we stayed up in Quincy because we had District Meeting and Interviews with our Mission President the next morning. So that was fun and Elder Madsen cut my hair for the first time since the MTC. It was getting pretty long haha. District Meeting and Interviews went great!  

Then Wednesday morning we went to Quincy again for Exchanges with the Zone Leaders. I went with Elder Madson and we taught a couple the Restoration and made them new investigators. Then we had lunch and had Knocked on 3 doors when our Mission President called us and told us to drive to Nauvoo to get our District leader a Package. So we were like ROAD TRIP! It’s only an hour away but we had fun. haha The rest of the night was fun and we found some cool people. The next morning we had to go to Kirksville with them because Elder Anitok needed a bed frame and some other stuff that he left in his last area and someone was bringing them to Kirksville and Kirksville is about 2 hours away. So we get there and they didn't even have his stuff, all they had was a football and a bag of a few things. But they took us out to lunch. Then we left and they let me drive!! The first time in over 2 and a half months, you can only guess what happened. haha

We were on our way home and I wasn't paying attention to the GPS so I missed a turn and the GPS recalculated and made me take a dirt road to get back to the other road. It has been raining a lot here so the road was really muddy and looked like a lot of fun! But it got worse and worse, and eventually we slid off into a corn field! And the mud was really deep! We got stuck, we tried and tried to get out but it only got worse. We called a ton of people, tow trucks, wreckers, members, everyone but no one could help us. After a few hours we found someone that could come pick us up and we were covered in mud, we played football in the mud cause that's all we could do haha. We walked back to the main road and one guy stopped and said " It’s not everyday you see a bunch of guys like you playing football in the road in the middle of nowhere!" haha We laughed, then he offered us a beer and left. Another guy stopped and said the same thing, then said he could get us out. But I knew he couldn't, even in his F-350.  We got in and we went to see the car and he almost got stuck, luckily he had a big tractor at his house just down the street. So we went and got it and it pulled us right out! haha it was awesome! The road we got stuck on was called Toledo lane. We liked it and said they should make a movie ​​of what happened today and name it Toledo Lane haha! We got a bunch of videos and pictures! We got stuck at around 1:30 and got out around 6. We got home late so we stayed another night in Quincy. So that was a great memory made. haha The guy that helped us thought it was weird how we were all laughing about it and smiling all the time. Haha We had fun!

On Saturday we got to go help a guy that is moving into our branch, he lives clear out in the boonies on a farm he just bought. He is a really cool guy and reminds me of people back home. He is getting mules, goats, donkeys, and chickens so we helped him fix up all the fences so he could have them. That was way fun! He says he loves having the Elders over and doing stuff with them. He is gonna take us to come cool caves sometime soon! Well it’s been an awesome week. Sorry this is so long haha
I hope you all have a great week!​​

Love, Elder Anderson

Monday, January 16, 2017

Sweet Week!

Hello Everyone,
Nothing too crazy this week. Tuesday we talked to a guy who's uncle told him he would live forever, and his uncle thought he would live forever too, but he died a couple months ago. He thinks that everyone that has died was killed by Satan or Satan tricked them into death. Idk hes crazy. We went on Exchanges again in Quincy on Wednesday and that was fun! On Thursday we had Zone training meeting, those are always great meetings. Me and a few other Elders from the District sang for the spiritual music note. It was pretty bad we didn't sound good haha!  

We got a few new Investigators this week, one of them is Hindu and her boyfriend is on a mission in Idaho. She was over at her boyfriend's family's house when we were there for dinner and we taught her the first lesson. It was kinda weird because it's hard to teach someone who has never been a christian. Since pretty much everyone we teach is apart of another church or has been so they all can understand it better. We don't know how much of it she got but we tried to break it down. It helps that she is good friends with a member family so she can ask them questions.

Then we got an older couple named Johnny and Kathy probably in there 60's and we met them at the food pantry. We have tried to set something up for while and finally we got in one night and had an awesome lesson with them. The spirit was strong and John liked what we were saying and he said "you would have to be a fool to not get baptized if you new it was true." haha They said they really liked the lesson so I hope we can meet with them again soon. We also talked to 3 younger guys probably in the 20's and we gave them the first lesson on the front porch while they were all smoking, and it was freezing. They said they liked the lesson and would get baptized if they came to know it was true, I hope we can set something up with them soon.

I lucked out big time again on giving a talk in sacrament, there was supposed to be a big ice storm here for the past few days but it has just been raining, it’s too warm. But they canceled church anyways so I didn't have to talk! haha low key I was praying they would cancel! Jk I love church but I don't like giving talks. But now I have two talks written that I can give the next time they need me to talk.

Last night we were knocking and literally everyone had the Green Bay game on and everyone was drunk.  They would come to the door then say the games on and close the door. Or there would be an old man that's super drunk and not have a shirt on and say something inappropriate and slam the door! We got all kinds of stuff last night! haha I found it super funny! So I know that green bay won in overtime with a last second kick just from getting an update at every door.
Pretty great week! Have a sweet week everyone!
Elder Anderson

Zone Training Meeting

This is where the LDS pioneers crossed the Mississippi River in Quincy
Some weird legs sitting on someones fence! Lol

Monday, January 9, 2017

Transfer Week

Hello everyone!
Another week! Time flies! It was a great week tho!
We got our transfer calls on Tuesday and we are both staying. 2 Elders in Quincy got transferred after just 6 weeks, I was happy. So we got 3 new Elders and they are awesome! Ones from Hawaii and two are from Orem. They are all so funny. We have an awesome district, this is gonna be a great transfer!  

On P-day we got to go to the temple because we had P day on Wednesday. The temple was open because it’s closed on Mondays (our normal P day). It was AWESOME! That Temple is so beautiful inside and out! They have some super cool historical stuff in the temple. We also got to see where Joseph Smith is buried, Hyrum, and Emma. Super cool!

We woke up to a little bit of snow on Thursday so we went out and shoveled the whole neighborhood! We also shoveled the church. We went to a few lessons and knocked on a lot of doors. We met some nice people! We visited Terry all week this week and Saturday was the big day! The Baptism went great! Terry loved it! It was awesome experiencing my first baptism! Then on Sunday Terry got confirmed and next Sunday I have the opportunity to ordain him the Aaronic Priesthood!

We got a few new Investigators this week.We hope we can get in contact with them and be able to get them on date and get them progressing! Have a great week everyone!
Elder Anderson

Terry's Baptism
Our District!
At the Nauvoo Temple!
The graves of Joseph & Emma Smith and Joseph's brother Hyrum Smith
Looking out towards the Mississippi River
Running to the cars, it was like 5 degrees!

Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy New Year! 2017! 2 Months Down!

Happy New Year Everyone!
We have been crazy busy the last few weeks with a ton of meetings and all the holidays and what not. It's all a big blur now. My comp is a terrible driver and we have almost died like 10 times. We’re gonna get in a crash soon haha.

This week we had some awesome nerf wars in the church, I’ll send some sweet pics that I got. Tuesday we went to Sherri and Jerri’s new house. They live about 25 minutes away now and they bought a good size house, but it is sooo disgusting. A bunch of meth heads were living there before them and it smells like poop.  We tried cleaning it up for awhile but it’s hard because we’re cleaning things that need to be ripped out and thrown away! haha They have a kid who is about 8 or 9 and a new born baby, so it’s not gonna be a good living place for them or anyone. I hope they get it nice in there but I don’t think they will, their kinda crazy.  

Wednesday we had District meeting and we all bore our testimonies because transfers are this week. The spirit was super strong and it was awesome! Then we went and got our Asus Zen Watches, they’re super sick! We then went home and taught my man Terry. He is getting baptized this Saturday. I am super excited for him!  Pray for him because I'm sure Satan is gonna work on him this week.

We went on Exchanges and I went with the District Leader, Elder Crandall. He is from Springville so that’s cool.  He is a good guy but he completely changes when he starts talking to an investigator or on someone’s porch.  He completely changes his voice and it’s really weird, I like to just be myself because I don’t want people thinking that the missionaries aren’t normal. Anyways it was fun and I learned a lot!  

New Years Eve was fun. We couldn’t go knocking so we went to Quincy and played basketball and went to B-Dubs for lunch. Elder Madsen the zone leader had to pay for my meal because I made a one handed, facing the opposite way, left handed shot from the opposite free throw line, my first try!  haha B-Dubs is great! Then we went home and got picked up from a member cause our cars were grounded. We went to their house and played games and watched the testaments and ate a lot of food.  

That night I finished preparing my talk, they forgot to ask for speakers so it was gonna be me and the second counselor. I was told to prepare about 25 minutes. I’ve only talked twice in my life and the longest was maybe 15 minutes, but I was feeling confident. Then we went to church and right when we walked in they said I wouldn’t be speaking because we were getting a new Branch Presidency. It was a super scattered sacrament meeting. But the Branch President got tired and needed to be done I guess, he has only been in for about 2 years.  

Anyways it was a good week! Today Isn't P day for us because of transfers, P day is on Wednesday but they said to still email today, so that means we get more time on P day. Have a great week everyone!
Elder Anderson

My District
Nerf wars!
My Zone
Merry Christmas!
Cool farm picture