Monday, January 23, 2017

Toledo Lane

Hello Everyone!
We had an awesome week this week! On Monday we stayed up in Quincy because we had District Meeting and Interviews with our Mission President the next morning. So that was fun and Elder Madsen cut my hair for the first time since the MTC. It was getting pretty long haha. District Meeting and Interviews went great!  

Then Wednesday morning we went to Quincy again for Exchanges with the Zone Leaders. I went with Elder Madson and we taught a couple the Restoration and made them new investigators. Then we had lunch and had Knocked on 3 doors when our Mission President called us and told us to drive to Nauvoo to get our District leader a Package. So we were like ROAD TRIP! It’s only an hour away but we had fun. haha The rest of the night was fun and we found some cool people. The next morning we had to go to Kirksville with them because Elder Anitok needed a bed frame and some other stuff that he left in his last area and someone was bringing them to Kirksville and Kirksville is about 2 hours away. So we get there and they didn't even have his stuff, all they had was a football and a bag of a few things. But they took us out to lunch. Then we left and they let me drive!! The first time in over 2 and a half months, you can only guess what happened. haha

We were on our way home and I wasn't paying attention to the GPS so I missed a turn and the GPS recalculated and made me take a dirt road to get back to the other road. It has been raining a lot here so the road was really muddy and looked like a lot of fun! But it got worse and worse, and eventually we slid off into a corn field! And the mud was really deep! We got stuck, we tried and tried to get out but it only got worse. We called a ton of people, tow trucks, wreckers, members, everyone but no one could help us. After a few hours we found someone that could come pick us up and we were covered in mud, we played football in the mud cause that's all we could do haha. We walked back to the main road and one guy stopped and said " It’s not everyday you see a bunch of guys like you playing football in the road in the middle of nowhere!" haha We laughed, then he offered us a beer and left. Another guy stopped and said the same thing, then said he could get us out. But I knew he couldn't, even in his F-350.  We got in and we went to see the car and he almost got stuck, luckily he had a big tractor at his house just down the street. So we went and got it and it pulled us right out! haha it was awesome! The road we got stuck on was called Toledo lane. We liked it and said they should make a movie ​​of what happened today and name it Toledo Lane haha! We got a bunch of videos and pictures! We got stuck at around 1:30 and got out around 6. We got home late so we stayed another night in Quincy. So that was a great memory made. haha The guy that helped us thought it was weird how we were all laughing about it and smiling all the time. Haha We had fun!

On Saturday we got to go help a guy that is moving into our branch, he lives clear out in the boonies on a farm he just bought. He is a really cool guy and reminds me of people back home. He is getting mules, goats, donkeys, and chickens so we helped him fix up all the fences so he could have them. That was way fun! He says he loves having the Elders over and doing stuff with them. He is gonna take us to come cool caves sometime soon! Well it’s been an awesome week. Sorry this is so long haha
I hope you all have a great week!​​

Love, Elder Anderson

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