Monday, January 30, 2017

Another Week

This week we had a Missionary Broadcast and it was great! I learned a lot. They changed up our schedule and key indicators. They made our schedule really flexible, so pretty much we can choose when we study, and we only get a half hour for lunch now when normally it’s and hour. We only have 4 Key Indicators now, that's kinda nice. My comp is always stressing about numbers for some reason so hopefully this will be good.

Thursday was a weird day. We were doing every thing like we normally do, but we didn't have any lessons and every house we knocked on was empty. No one was home!  Friday we were knocking and an old lady came out and said "Oh hello! Come in"  We thought it was weird but we quickly realized that she didn't know who we were! She thought we were her twin grand kids. When we told her we were there missionaries she thought we were messing with her. Me and my comp were freaking out! But eventually she believed us I guess haha. We talked to her for awhile and she said she is 96! And she was getting around just fine! haha Then we taught Terry and Ethan again and they are doing great!

Saturday we went to Chad’s house. The guy with one leg and lives in a nasty house. Anyways. My comp has been meeting with him every week since August! I'm getting tired of him because he doesn't keep any commitments and drinks coffee and tea when we’re there. He says he is trying so hard to stop. But on Saturday we told him we can’t keep meeting with him if he won’t keep his commitments. He sometimes gets offended when we talk like that and says he feels cornered. It's weird because we are his only friends so he doesn't want to lose us. Haha

Saturday night we were knocking and a guy opened the door and he looked familiar. Then we remembered him from another area. He said he was at his Grandma’s last time and at his sister's today. Last time he said his grandma would be interested, so we were gonna come back. But this time he said his grandma had recently died. So we tried to comfort him and tell him he would see her again. He let us in and we taught him the Restoration, the spirit was crazy strong, and he started to cry. He told us he knew his grandma had sent us. Elder Roskelley started to cry too. But I didn't because I'm a man! haha jk My eyes were a little wet. Then he said the prayer for us and started crying again! We invited him to church and he said he might be able to make it, but he would have to walk because he doesn't own a car. It was an awesome experience!

On Sunday we were driving to Church and we saw a guy walking up the street and as we passed we saw that it was Shawn!! The guy who's grandma just died. It was 30 degrees and he was walking! We wanted to pick him up but we aren't allowed to! So we were pumped. Then we got to church and he never showed up! We were so bummed, we figured he went to the wrong church because there are a lot of other churches on the way. We will get him there next week!

Last night an older couple probably in there 60's let us in and gave us dinner and everything! They are catholic and his sister is mormon in Indiana and her son served a mission! So they took some pictures and sent them to them. They said we’re always welcome and said to give them a call if we ever need dinner! That was awesome!

Well that's about it!  Sorry it's so long again haha.
Have a great week!
Love, Elder Anderson

I heard last weeks pics didn't get out so here they are:

Squad pic
The Equinox looking good
pic for our movie
another pic for our movie, lol

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