Monday, January 29, 2018


This week was good, a little slow but super good!
We taught Ralph Rodriguez with Bro Austin Monday night and that was great! But we tried to contact him on Saturday and couldn't. SO that was sad, we were hoping he would come to church.

Wednesday while knocking on doors we knocked on the house of one of the ladies we met at the food pantry about a month ago. She is a really nice older lady, didn't seem interested in the church but she invited us to her church and we decided we would go, cause it was that night. It was the First Christian Church! We went and it was great, super nice people! All 15 of them were probably over 80, except their pastor. I have never been there for another churches communion and they were having communion that night. Really interesting and a great experience. We were able to get to know a lot of them, introduced ourselves, and got to know the pastor pretty well.

Thursday we had our District Meeting. We have a lot of young missionaries in the District and we’re all in tough areas, so finding is something we all do a lot. So I decided to train on finding and making it more effective. Also different things to try in their areas and things to help the spirit guide them to who is prepared! Also a lot on going out and making friends and teaching them the Gospel! And to invite everyone to Baptism! We also changed it up a little bit. Since the brethren received revelation to meet in a council for the first Sunday in third hour of church. That made me receive revelation to have District Meeting as a council. Making it more of a discussion. I think it went great!

Also had exchanges with the Zone Leaders in Indianola, that was fun and we got to go play ball with the branch there at the Middle school so that was a ton of fun!
Friday we had dinner out in Blockton, IA. So we went out there early in the day and worked the small town all day until dinner. We found some great people and picked up a part member family.

Yesterday we had church and we got to speak! They texted us Saturday night and said they forgot to assign speakers so we got to speak haha. That was fun! I talked all about John 21: 15-17 about gathering the sheep and member missionary work! After that Bro Allen took us out to some of the surrounding towns to visit less actives or people whose record have been moved to the area. That was a success! Then we went to the Stake Priesthood meeting in Des Moines and that was super amazing! The spirit was so strong and the talks that were given were amazing! Lots of how to become better men, Priesthood Holders, and bringing Christ into Marriage. haha There was a great talk on that! Didn't really apply to us missionaries but it was awesome!

Things are going great out here and my testimony is building! We continue to have great experiences and good times! I love the work and am striving to have no regrets! Everyday is P day!! (Positivity day)

Love you all!
Elder Anderson
Some things we see while knocking on doors
Awesome sign that said go away unless you're giving out beer, so we brought him Root Beer!
Sadly he wasn't home but we will try again!

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